Nexus offers an array of expansions covering a wide gamut of contemporary music styles and produced by the world’s top sound designers. Features like search, favorites, and categorization are standard not only in the factory library but in all available expansions. Nexus includes a comprehensive 4GB library of over 880 sounds driven by a friendly internal librarian to find the exact sound you need in the heat of the creative moment. Nexus features a 32-step arpeggiator with note-transposition, a 32-step trance gate, reverb licensed from Arts Acoustic, and a sophisticated modulation-matrix that will help you sculpt the sound. Every aspect of Nexus was built to produce music of the highest quality, quickly, with the least amount of fuss. A powerful and flexible architecture is the foundation that supports the immediately useful and spontaneously engaging design of the instrument. Nexus delivers complex, ultra-fat, contemporary soundstorms.

Nexus is a next-generation ROM synthesizer. Nexus VST plugins is probably and most definitely one of the most well know and well used VST plugins when it comes to producing digital music, the ability to add expansion packs within Nexus has also given music producers wide range of choice of using Nexus VST plugin in different genre productions.